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15500 miles across road, rail, sea and air. Singapore, London, Bath, Blackpool, Skye. We laughed until we cried, ate the best food, and then pot noodles, climbed mountains and crashed the drone, touched too many sunsets and escaped so much rain, and taken so many wickedly stunning photos.

Bryan and Mae, we travelled the world capturing your beautifully insane love, and firm determination to live every moment to it's very fullest. I'd lie to say I wasn't sad to leave you yesterday. We're left with beautiful memories, insane photos, and two new amazing friends. I hope our paths cross again.

What you see below is the four most intense and fun days we've had as photographers.

Thank you.

Dominic and Ruby Xx

Day 1: London

Day 2: Bath

Day 3: Blackpool

Day 4: Skye

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